
Tabita Rezaire

Tabita Rezaire is a Franco-Guyanese and Danish artist whose art unfolds at the intersection of Afrofeminist thoughts, metaphysics, politics and technology. Her practice draws on the narratives of information and communication sciences, where plants, technological and spiritual cybernetics meet.

Navigating through digital, corporeal and ancestral memories as territories of struggle, challenged by colonial histories whose tangible legacy remains indisputable in contemporary societies, Tabita Rezaire's work nourishes a critique of our capacity to connect. By abandoning the mechanisms of coloniality and its oppressive hierarchies, technology becomes a space of possibilities, where the tools of connection house organic, spiritual and electronic interfaces of the world. 

In Tabita Rezaire's videos, traditional knowledge is revealed as scientific knowledge, thus deploying fertile spaces for the reconditioning of historical fictions. Adept of an archaeology of communication networks, Tabita Rezaire militates for emancipatory technologies encoded in cosmological narratives, organic and metaphysical tissues.


Mamelles ancestrales

Drawing inspiration from the megalithic landscapes of Senegal and The Gambia, space debris, archaeology, astronomy, numerology, theology and African understandings of the cosmos, Mamelles Ancestrales strives to establish pathways between heaven and earth, between the living and the dead, in a world where celestial bodies, mineral life and spirits sing together. 

Cultures throughout the world have always turned to the skies to get their bearings, find answers, and understand the mysteries of the universe. Observing the heavens has impacted on architecture, navigation, agriculture, politics, mathematics – and art. In Mamelles Ancestrales Rezaire investigates the quest of our ancestors and the methods they used to understand and connect to the celestial realms in the face of our contemporary drive for spatial conquest. 

The film is the result of the artist’s research and expeditions to four megalithic sites: the stone circles of Sine Ngayene and Wanar in Senegal, and Wassu and Kerbatch in The Gambia. Gathering stories from the guardians of the sites, local populations and other understandings from astronomers, archeologists, and theologians to unfold the mysteries of the thousands of stones circles scattered across Senegambia, Mamelles Ancestrales goes in pursuit of an ancient African Megalithic civilization so as to better understand our own. 

From petrified brides to burial sites, ancient observatories, ceremonial ground, haunted places, or energy device, for Rezaire the stone circles become the center of a scientific, mystic, and cosmologic research. This dance of circular and orbital geometries is imagined as a meditation on outer space and a revelation of the communicative pathways between the cosmos and humankind.