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Safety measures

Safety measures

The festival will respect the measures in force issued by the Belgian government on the dates of the event. Here are the current ones : 

- Wearing a mask is mandatory for everyone (visitors, organizers, …)
- Conference on reservation (limited places)
- Reception desk and information at the entrance of all venues to remind people of the preventive measures.
- Respect the circulation direction
- Respect the directions given at the entrance of each venue
- Wash and disinfect your hands on a regular basis
- The social distance of 1.5 m must be respected at all time
- Registration of all visitors via QR code is mandatory
- Cleaning and disinfection of all equipment will be done
- Respect the protective measures
- Please stay home if you have any symptoms

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Program changes

Program changes

Please note that there is a limited capacity in the conference rooms due to the new physical distance rooms. The festival program is subject to change depending on travel restrictions that could take place for some speakers or artists. Changes and replacements will be announced on this page, in the newsletters, and also on social networks. 

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Travel & tickets

Travel & tickets

We refund tickets up to 1 day before the event if the festival is canceled due to Covid-19 or if your zone turns red and you are unable to travel. Please contact us at info[@] and attach the ticket to your email to ask for a refund. 

Paper Plane
Paper Plane
Paper Plane