
Jony Easterby

Jony Easterby is an artist, designer, maker, producer, director, performer, a passionate naturalist and plants-man. His work is characterised by its empathy for the natural world and a sense of its place within culture and social context. This has resulted in a considerable number of commissions and permanent work installations throughout the UK and beyond, www.jonyeasterby.co.uk The overwhelming existential challenges faced every day due to the environmental collapse of ecosystems have made him focus his energy and conceptual framework to address these issues. His practice has focussed on work addressing both environmental degradation and means of restoration.


Remnant Ecologies

The artist responds to a growing anxiety regarding our relationship within the natural world, on sound ecologies which no longer exist or that are in decline - only the sound memory of these place exists. A passion for nature, mixed with an anxiety for its future alongside the real and existential threat of human led ecosystem breakdown, forces a response that both celebrates and highlights our connection with nature. The artists joy of interaction with a physical and ecological reality now tarnished by a melancholy and longing for not only what has been lost, but what we fear we will lose. The works presented here in part focus on the catastrophic 2019 Australian bushfires, the most devastating ecological catastrophe within human history. In collaboration withl Matthew Olden, Fernand Derosuen & Pippa Taylor.
